Terms And Conditions

By using and accessing this website at www.gsholdings.com.sg, you agree to be bounded by the terms and conditions set out below.


GS Holdings provides the services and contents on this Website on an “as is” basis. GS Holdings, its employees, subsidiaries, related corporations, associates and affiliates make no representations, endorsements or warranties of any kind whatsoever about the services and contents on this Website, including advertisements supplied by the respective advertisers and their creditworthiness, and in no event shall GS Holdings be liable to any party for any damages, claims, expenses or losses of any kind arising from or in connection with any use of or reliance on the accuracy, availability, currency, title, non-infringement, quality, reliability, suitability and completeness of the services and contents.

Intellectual Property

GS Holdings reserves all intellectual property rights to its services and contents on this Website, including international copyright and trade mark rights. All other names, products and marks mentioned are the intellectual property rights of their respective owners. No materials provided through this Website, including text, graphics, code and/or software may be reproduced, modified, adapted, distributed, published, displayed, uploaded, posted, transmitted or hyperlinked in any manner and in any form without the express, prior written approval of GS Holdings and the respective copyright and trade mark holders. The services and contents provided by GS Holdings on this Website are for the user’s personal consumption only, and the user may not engage in any dealings with other parties with such services and contents. Such dealings include commercial dealings and dealings which will adversely affect the commercial value of the services and contents provided by GS Holdings.

Use of Site

GS Holdings forbids the use of any robot, spider, automatic device, manual process, software or routine which may interfere with the proper operation of this Website or any transactions being conducted on this Website. This Website uses cookies to enhance the online experience for the consumer and for security purposes. The use of this Website and the services offered by GS Holdings is subject to such additional terms and conditions as GS Holdings may prescribe from time to time.

No Advice

By making available information and data pursuant on this Website, including facts, views, opinions and recommendations of individuals and organisations of deemed interest, GS Holdings and its Information Providers are not giving or purporting to give or representing or holding themselves out as giving financial, investment, legal and other professional advice. The user shall always seek the relevant professional advice before otherwise making any such financial, legal or commercial decisions.

No Endorsement

GS Holdings cannot and do not endorse, and cannot be responsible for, the products and services offered on this Website, the messages, views, opinions, research and recommendations of individuals, users, and organisations of deemed interest, or advocate any commercial dealings in any securities, investments or classes of securities or investments nor does the inclusion on this Website of a link to other web site(s) or resources imply any form of endorsement by GS HoldingsGS Holdings does not actively review or edit the messages, views, opinions, research and recommendations of users, even if such messages, views, opinions, research and recommendations are made by the users using this Website. While the information on the Website has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, none of the data, news, information, reports or opinions nor any of the recommendations (if any) has been customised for any specific person or class of persons. GS Holdings accepts no liability for any loss arising out of the use of the information or recommendations on the Website. The information and data available on this Website presented in text, graphics or whatever form, may include inaccuracies or errors and GS Holdings and its Information Providers reserve the right to periodically make changes to the information or data on this Website.


Any user may, subject to the approval of GS Holdings register as a Member by providing GS Holdings with his or her name, e-mail address and contact number. GS Holdings reserves the right to refuse to accept any user as a Member at any time and for any reason in its sole discretion. By registering with GS Holdings, the Member warrants that all his personal particulars provided to GS Holdings pursuant to such registration are accurate, complete and current. The Member shall have no obligation to make any further enquiries. While use of such part or parts of this Website is currently free, GS Holdings reserves the right to impose such charges or fees for use of such part or parts of this Website on such terms and conditions as prescribed by GS Holdings, upon giving the requisite notice to the Members.

Access and Use by Members

The Member undertakes to: –

be solely responsible for all information retrieved, stored and transmitted through this Website by him;notify GS Holdings if the Member becomes aware of or reasonably believes that there is any unauthorised use of his Member Account or any other breach of security, and to co-operate with GS Holdings in all such investigations;comply with all notices, directions or instructions given by GS Holdings from time to time in respect of the use of this Website including but not limited to the Usage Guidelines as set out on this Website by GS Holdings; andcomply with and shall not contravene all applicable laws, regulations and directives including, without limitation, the laws of Singapore, relating to the use of this Website; andobtain all consents, approvals and licences necessary prior to entering into any transactions with.

Privacy and Data Protection

As a general rule, all information collected by GS Holdings through this Website shall be used and disclosed in accordance with the Data Protection and Privacy Policy.


GS Holdings reserves the right to make changes and corrections, at any time and without notice, to this Website, its services and its contents, including the removal of news or postings and changes and corrections to this agreement. This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws to the Republic of Singapore, and any claims or disputes of whatever nature shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Singapore.